scantune UPGRADES since 01/17/94 08/03/94 leading apostrophe's are gone from exceptions list. 08/03/94 STDICT.XXX FILES HAVE CHANGED TO SCDICT.XXX FILES. RENAME STDICT.SPL SCDICT.SPL AND RENAME STDICT.NTX SCDICT.NTX 08/03/94 YOUR CHANGES ARE NOW SAVED UNDER THE ORIGINAL FILE NAME. THE FIRST TIME THROUGH, YOUR ORIGINAL IS RENAMED WITH A .ORG EXTENSION. SUBSEQUENT PASSES RENAME THEIR ORIGINALS WITH A .BAK EXTENSION. 08/03/94 PROGRAM NO LONGER CRASHES WHEN THE DICTIONARY IS MISSING 08/02/94 LEARN MODE NOW CLEANS UP THE .STP FILES 07/29/94 the ctrl-left and ctrl-right arrows now change screen colors when text is being marked. 07/29/94 THE FILE REPORT INSIDE THE PROOFREADER NO LONGER REPORTS 0 PERCENT OF ANYTHING. 07/28/94 THE DELETE AND MOVE BLOCKED TEXT OPTIONS ARE FIXED. 07/26/94 the macro editor save bug is fixed 07/25/94 MUCH FASTER NONTEXT CHARACTER REMOVAL 07/25/94 AUTOMATIC TAB EXPANSION ADDED 07/25/94 PROOFREADER NOW READS ALL THE WAY TO END OF FILE 07/22/94 HOT KEYS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE LEARN MODE EXCEPTIONS LIST. ALT-I=IGNORE, ALT-V=VIEW/CORRECT, ALT-D=DICTIONARY, ALT-M=MACROS AND ALT-Q=QUIT. 07/20/94 ALT-W REPEATS SPELLS AND SPELLS PHONETICALLY THE HIGHLIGHTED LIST ENTRY IN LEARN MODE. 07/20/94 A MESSAGE NOW APPEARS WHEN YOU ESCAPE OUT OF THE ANALYSIS SECTION OF LEARN MODE. 07/20/94 learn mode no longer deletes place marker 07/20/94 the bug in the alarm menu toggle is fixed 07/17/94 A "BOTH" OPTION ALLOWS YOU TO ADD A MACRO TO UNIVERSAL AND TEMPORARY FILES AT THE SAME TIME. 07/15/94 NEW LEARN MODE ADDED 06/30/94 THE CTRL-PGDN BUG IS FIXED. 06/30/94 AN OPTIMIZING MESSAGE HAS BEEN ADDED WHEN MACROS ARE BEING LOADED. 06/28/94 THE PROBLEMS WITH ESCAPING FROM CLEANUP, REFORMATTING AND DECOLUMNIZATION HAVE BEEN FIXED 06/21/94 THE EDITOR IS NOW DEFAULTED TO INSERT MODE 06/21/94 THE STRIP UNNECESSARY SPACES OPTION NOW STRIPS IMBEDED SPACES MAKING UNSPACE.FRD OBSOLETE. 06/21/94 textcon.frd was included to change hard crlf to soft cr and convert spaces to tabs. 06/01/94 ALT-E FROM THE PROOF READER ALLOWS YOU TO EDIT THE CHUNK OF TEXT IN MEMORY. CTRL-W SAVES ESC EXITS BACK TO PROOF READ. 06/01/94 LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS IN CONTINUOUS READ NO LONGER SKIP AS MUCH TEXT 05/30/94 cleanup now reports 100% complete and displays total changes. 05/30/94 the "flush temporary macro file" prompt now waits for a keypress 05/30/94 THE "PROOF READING" MESSAGES HAVE BEEN REMOVED 05/30/94 DEMO FILE SIZE LIMIT RAISED TO 50 K 05/30/94 PGUP AND PGDN MODIFIED TO WORK THE SAME AS OTHER EDITORS AND VIEWERS 05/21/94 SPELLCHECKER MARK WORD BUG FIXED SO IT DOESN'T GET STUCK WHEN A MINIMUM WORD LINGTH LESS THAN THREE IS CHOSEN. 05/21/94 CONTEXT DISPLAYS IN CLEANUP AND SPELLCHECKER HAVE BEEN IMPROVED TO PUT THE SUSPECTED WORD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DISPLAYED TEXT. 05/21/94 A "V" OPTION HAS BEEN ADDED TO PROMPTED CORRECTIONS TO ALLOW YOU TO GET MORE CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION WHEN NEEDED 05/21/94 ESCAPE ENABLED IN (Y N R C Q) PROMPT 05/21/94 A CLICK SOUND HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE SPELLCHECKER, CLEAN UP AND NON-TEXT CHARACTER REMOVAL PROCEDURES WHEN THE ALARM IS TURNED ON TO LET YOU KNOW THEY'RE WORKING 05/19/94 A BUG IN THE R OPTION OF (Y N R C Q) HAS BEEN FIXED 05/19/94 THE "CLEARING THE LOADLIST" MESSAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED. 05/19/94 cleaned up exit screen 05/19/94 'execute' changed to "execute"in main menu message 05/19/94 the mark your place message is more visually obvious 05/19/94 the "will be deleted" message is more visually obvious 05/19/94 the enter replacement string prompts are more visually obvious 05/19/94 THE LOAD/CREATE SCREEN HAS BEEN CLEANED UP AND MESSAGES MADE MORE VISUALLY OBVIOUS 05/19/94 THE MACRO FILES LOADED AND DUPLICATIONS SCREENS ARE MORE VISUALLY OBVIOUS 05/19/94 A MAJOR REWRITE ON SCREEN PROMPTS HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN TO MAKE FR TOOLS EASIER FOR SIGHTED PEOPLE TO USE. 05/19/94 THE PROOF RED THE DOCUMENT PROMPT FIXED TO CONSISTANTLY TALK 05/19/94 WHEN LOGGING SPELL CHECKING ACTIVITY, THE PHRASE "SUSPECTED WORD:" NOW PRECEDES THE SUSPECTED WORD. 05/19/94 THE M KEY IS FIXED SO MARKS ARE VISUALLY OBVIOUS 05/11/94 OPTIONAL SAVE TEXT ADDED TO ESCAPE FROM SPELL CHECKER. 05/11/94 THE MAIN MENU HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE TOP OF THE SCREEN. 05/11/94 THE MACROS MENU HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE TOP OF THE SCREEN AND THE DESCRIPTION LINE IS NOW ON THE BOTTOM. 05/11/94 PROMPTED CORRECTIONS ARE NOW TWO LINES WITH THE PROMPTS ON THE BOTTOM LINE. 05/11/94 MACROS WITH LEADING SPACES AND W EXECUTION INSTRUCTIONS ARE AUTOMATICALLY FIXED 05/09/94 CTRL-G TAKES YOU BACK TO YOUR PLACE MARKER IN THE PROOF READER. 05/09/94 PROMPTED CORRECTIONS ARE EASIER TO UNDERSTAND. 05/09/94 THE MACRO FILE NAMES THAT ARE LOADED ARE WRITTEN TO FR.LOG IF ENABLED 05/09/94 FR NOW FINDS AND REMOVES INVALID MACROS I.E. MACROS THAT AREN'T COMPLETE AND THIS INFORMATION IS WRITTEN TO FR.LOG, IF ENABLED. 05/09/94 THE Y N R C Q PROMPTS ARE NOW HOT KEYS. NO ENTER REQUIRED. 04/30/94 hit c enter enter at a prompted correction to delete the search string from the document. 04/27/94 remove place marker y/n prompt added 04/13/94 A C OPTION WAS ADDED TO PROMPTED CORRECTIONS TO ALLOW MANUAL CORRECTIONS. 04/10/94 THE SEARCH BUGS FOR LEADING SPACES AND CARROTS IS FIXED 04/02/94 ESCAPE NOW EXITS YOU FROM CLEANUP, REFORMAT, NONTEXT REMOVAL AND DECOLUMNIZATION 03/15/94 THE HELP SYSTEM IS NOW ON-LINE! 03/14/94 YOU CAN NOW TURN THE ALARM ON AND OFF FROM THE MAIN MENU. 03/13/94 The manual is in final form. I invite your comments. 03/13/94 YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO WAIT ALL DAY AFTER DELETING FROM A DICTIONARY. 03/12/94 the q option in prompted corrections is fixed 03/12/94 the customized help system is now working. hit alt-f10 to create your own help screens, if you don't like ours. 03/05/94 THE SCREEN COLORS WORK PROPERLY WHEN BLOCKING TEST 03/05/94 IF PROMPTING IS ON, THE SENTENCES ARE NOW BEING WRITTEN EXACTLY AS THEY APPEAR IN THE FILE. THIS WILL CAUSE SOME SHORT BEGINNING LINES WHEN THE SENTENCE STARTS NEAR THE RIGHT MARGIN IN THE ORIGINAL FILE. THIS WAS DO SO YOU CAN ADD SENTENCE FRAGMENTS TO MACRO FILES AND HAVE THEM WORK. 03/05/94 THE ALARM HAS BEEN SHORTENED. 03/04/94 you should be able to put the fr program and data files in any dirrectory you want. The qtils subdirectory is no longer necessary. 03/01/94 A /Z SWITCH HAS BEEN ADDED THAT FORCES PROMPTED CORRECTIONS 03/01/94 the s for suggested spellings is now a hot key. 03/01/94 the load/create list has been changed. f10 now saves and exits and escape exits and restores the old loadlist. 03/01/94 When you select a macro in load/create, the lightbar moves down to the next item instead of popping to the top of the list. 03/01/94 load/create now informs you that the load list is cleared to start with. 03/01/94 THE ERATIC BEHAVIOR OF THE R KEY IS FIXED IN THE SPELL CHECKER. 03/01/94 an alarm has been added to let you know when fr's current operations are concluded. Hit any key to stop it and return to the main menu. 02/26/94 the documentation file is now named 02/26/94 the verbosity of the spell checker context prompt has been reduced. 02/26/94 you can now open and close the log from the spell checker menu. 02/26/94 THE ERATIC BEHAVIOR ON EXITING THE SPELL CHECKER IS UNDER CONTROL. 02/26/94 PROMPTING IS NOW DEFAULTED OFF IN SPELL CHECKER. 02/26/94 a 2-second delay has been inserted after a word is spelled or spoken phonetically in the spell checker 02/26/94 IN ORDER TO CUT DOWN ON DOWNLOAD TIME AND SAVE YOU BETA TESTERS MONEY ON YOUR PHONE BILLS, I have decided to delete the drdict.spl file from the 10,000 word dictionary isn't very useful anyway and it's getting in the way. Be sure to pick up a copy of or, if you're going to test the spell checker. 02/24/94 The D (display sentence), I (ignore word) and R (repeat word) keys work in the spell checker without having to hit the enter key. 02/24/94 the random displaying of "ald" and "gs" in the suggested spellings option is fixed, I hope. 02/24/94 the suggested spellings list has been expanded to six words. 02/22/94 THE MACRO FILES LIST HAS BEEN FIXED SO THE TEMPORARY MACRO FILE NAME DOES NOT APPEAR TWICE. 02/22/94 THE "MULTIPLE" OPTION IS GONE FROM THE MACROS MENU AND ITS FUNCTIONS HAVE BEEN TELESCOPED INTO "LOAD/CREATE" 02/22/94 THE CLEANUP AND SPELL CHECK OPTIONS HAVE BEEN SWAPPED ON THE MAIN MENU. 02/22/94 WE HAVE GONE TO 6 SUGGESTED SPELLINGS. 02/21/94 the bug that doesn't allow the loading of para.frd is fixed 02/21/94 If you hit R in the proof reader, the current word is repeated, spelled and spoken phonetically. 02/21/94 The reformatter and decolumnizer now report per cent complete instead of line numbers. 02/21/94 the quit spell checking option now displays appropriate messages 02/21/94 THE MAIN MENU SHOULD NO LONGER BABBLE 02/19/94 the spell checker now gives you a list of suggested spellings. 02/14/94 there is now a /U switch which puts fr in to unattended spell checking mode from the command line or a batch file. Prompting is on and the log is opened when this switch is used. 02/18/94 the start and end times for cleanup and spell checking are written to the log if it is open. 02/18/94 words like "couldn't" are now handled properly by the spell checker 02/17/94 THE MARKED OPTIONS SPEAK THEIR STATUS BEFORE THE LIGHT BAR MOVES DOWN TO THE NEXT OPTION 02/17/94 THE "A" KEY NOW WORKS IN THE SPELLCHECKER MENU 02/17/94 CLEANED UP REPETATIVE PROMPTS IN LOG AND SPELL CHECKER 02/17/94 THE "ATTENDED" OPTION IS CHANGED TO "UNATTENDED" 02/17/94 THE "LEAVE WORD UNCHANGED" PROMPT HAS BEEN CHANGED TO "IGNORE WORD" IN THE SPELL CHECKER MENU 02/17/94 WHEN EXITING THE SPELL CHECKER, THE MENU HIGHLIGHT MOVES TO "PROOFREAD THE DOCUMENT" 02/17/94 the intermitent failure of the temporary macro file is fixed, I hope. 02/16/94 Documentation upgraded to reflect most of the changes in operation. 02/16/94 THE "DO YOU WANT FULL SENTENCE PROMPTING MESSAGE IS GONE AND PROMPTING IS DEFAULTED ON in the spell checker. 02/16/94 The spell checker is marking and returning to its place properly 02/16/94 if logging is on the spell checker logs misspelled words. If prompting is on, the sentence appears below the misspelled word in the log. 02/16/94 the optimize procedure works properly. 02/16/94 the file spellchk is now being erased properly 02/15/94 options have been added to the spell checker menu that allow you to repeat the questioned word. successive selections of the option spell the word and speak it phonetically. 02/15/94 The log file now appends operations properly. 02/15/94 if fr finds the log file at bootup, it prompts user to delete it 02/14/94 An unattended mode has been added to the spell checker. It marks each questioned word with two accent marks (``). If the log is open, the questioned words will be written to it. To resume normal spell checking, hit alt-right bracket. 02/14/94 the prompt on/off option now accurately reflects the state of the toggle. 02/14/94 cleanup and spell check no longer prompt you do begin at place marker if no mark was set. 02/14/94 lower case w is working properly again. 02/14/94 working files are being deleted properly when the source file does not exist. 02/12/94 AN OPTIMIZE OPTION HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE MACROS MENU THAT REMOVES DUPLICATIONS, ENTRIES THAT CANCEL EACH OTHER AND ENTRIES WHERE THE SEARCH AND REPLACE SIDES ARE EQUAL. 02/12/94 THE SPELL CHECKER OPTION HAS BEEN MOVED TO JUST BELOW PROOF READ ON THE MAIN MENU. 02/11/94 escape key exits the spell checker even while searching. 02/11/94 fr now asks if you want to mark your place when exiting proof read or spell check 02/10/94 You no longer need to hit enter at the "prompt before correcting (y/n)" prompt. 02/09/94 Fr now has a spell checker built in. It's on the main menu between word wrap and macros. It is an immediate option. When you enter the spell checker, you are prompted for the minimum word length to check. The default is 3. Words shorter than the minimum length are ignored. This allows you to vary the rigorousness with which the system checks words. You are next asked if you want full sentence prompting. If you hit "Y", the sentence containing the word in question is displayed. If you hit "N", only the word in question appears at the top left corner of the screen. After the dictionary loads you will be prompted "begin spell checking at place marker (y/n). If you hit "Y", spell checking begins where you last stopped proof reading. Any other key begins at top of file.The system checks each word against the dictionary and the currently loaded macro files. If it is not found, the word is displayed and a menu of options appears.Each option is explained below. ADD WORD TO DICTIONARY This option adds the word to the spell checker's dictionary. ADD WORD TO MACRO FILE When this option is chosen you will be prompted for a replacement string etc, as you are in the proof reader. CORRECT MANUALLY This option allows you to replace the word from the keyboard. LEAVE WORD UNCHANGED This option causes the spell checker to skip the word whenever it is encountered. MARK WORD This option places two accent marks (``) in the text before the word. You can then use the proofreader's search features to locate the word after spell checking is completed. PROMPTS ON This is a toggle. When it is on, the sentence in which the word occurs is displayed. When it is turned off, only the word in question is shown. MAINTAIN DICTIONARY This option allows you to add or delete words from the dictionary. You will be prompted: "add, delete, quit". After selecting, you will be prompted for the word to add or delete. Type it in and hit enter. The word will be added or deleted and the "add, delete, quit" prompt reappears. QUIT THE SPELL CHECKER This option quits the spell checker saving all changes to the designated target file. 02/09/94 The current temporary macro file has been added to the macro files list SO YOU CAN LOAD IT FROM THE MULTIPLE OPTION IN THE MACROS MENU. 02/08/94 When cleanup reports the percent complete it now also reports the number of changes made so far. 02/08/94 fr now tells you what macro files it is loading for cleanup. This may help us track down the elusive randomness in the temporary macro file. 02/08/94 you don't get the flush temporary prompt if the temporary for that document isn't loaded 02/08/94 The main menu is fixed so that when you hit enter on a marked option the option is toggled and you move down to the next one 02/07/94 A new macro file has been added to It's called ob.frd and is designed for use on scans made by An Open Book. 02/07/94 the macro files pick list no longer displays the .frd extension at the end of every line. 02/07/94 the macro files now support prompted corrections for words only. When you add an entry you are prompted "all, words only, cancel entry". Hit a, w or c. You will then see a new prompt saying: "prompt before correcting (y/n) n". Hit Y or N and hit enter. The default is "N". This enables you to avoid the "system systern mixup. For those of you who enjoy creating macro files from text editors, the |P execution instruction is gone and the "A" and "W" instructions are now case sensitive. Lower case a and w cause prompting before correction. 02/05/94 a main menu option has been added so you can log changes to disk. duplications, if any, and all changes are written to c:\qtils\fr.log. 02/05/94 THE FORWARD SEARCHES ARE FIXED SO THEY DON'T LOCK UP. 02/01/94 THE PER CENT COMPLETE PROMPTS ARE IN WHITE ON RED AND SHOULD TALK BETTER NOW. 02/01/94 TEMPORARY MACRO FILES ARE NOW DELETING PROPERLY 02/01/94 fr will now handle file names beginning with numbers and single- letter file names like "a.txt". 02/01/94 macro editor screen now shows the entire macro entry. 02/01/94 The cursor is now tracking properly in the macro editor 01/30/94 decolumnize text is back on the menu and working again. 01/26/94 documentation revised and hopefully in final form. 01/26/94 the bugs in the move blocks option alt-m are fixed, I hope. 01/26/94 The bug that caused 0 changes to be made when duplicate entries were found in the temporary and universal macro files is fixed. 01/26/94 the contextual information for prompted corrections now formats properly on the screen. 01/26/94 THE BUG WHERE THE "F" and "B" searches were getting crossed up with the enter key in proofread is fixed. 01/25/94 the operate on blocked text only and the flush temporary macro file (y/n) prompts no longer appear when fr is called from the command line or a batch file. 01/25/94 the roblem with loading and using the temporary macro file is fixed. 01/24/94 do avoid confusion we are calling dictionaries macro files, now. 01/24/94 the "dictionaries" menu option is now changed to macros. 01/23/94 the problem with the searches spewing huge amounts of text is fixed. 01/22/94 the ctrl-left arrow now works properly. 01/20/94 DUPLICATE DICTIONARY ENTRIES ARE NOT LOADED ANY MORE. 01/20/94 PROMPTED CORRECTIONS NOW GIVES THE ENTIRE SENTENCE WHERE THE ERROR WAS FOUND THEN PROMPTS WITH THE ENTIRE WORD AS IT IS AND AS IT WOULD BE AFTER CORRECTION. HOPEFULLY, THIS WILL MAKE THE PROMPTS CLEARER. 01/20/94 ALONG THE SAME LINES, THE FR.FRD FILE NAME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO DEFAULT.FRD MAKING IT OBVIOUS HOW TO RELOAD IT FROM THE LIST. 01/18/94 CURSOR RESETS PROPERLY AFTER THE A M AND ENTER COMMANDS IN THE PROOFREADER. 01/18/94 you can perform cleanup and format operations on a marked block of text. 01/17/94 the r and q prompted corrections are fixed. 01/17/94 documentation revised.